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Photo of favor boxes with ribbons


Special Order Boxes require a minimum of 50 and are non-refundable. Click on each the photo below for detailed product and order information. Refer to the Order Info webpage for ordering and shipping details.

White Take Out Boxes
White Take Out Boxes

White Cube Boxes
White Cube Boxes

Clear Cube Boxes
Clear Cube Boxes

Frosted Take Out Boxes
Frosted Take Out Boxes

Colored Gift Boxes
Colored Gift Boxes

White Gift Boxes
White Gift Boxes

Linen Purses
Linen Purses


Linen Pillow Boxes
Linen Pillow Boxes

Small Truffle Boxes
Small Truffle Boxes

Square Truffle Boxes
Square Truffle Boxes


Silver Tins
Silver Tins

Gable Boxes
Gable Boxes

Small Jewellery Boxes
Small Jewellery Boxes


Square Jewellery Boxes
Square Jewellery Boxes

White Chest Boxes
White Chest Boxes

Floral Wedge Boxes
Floral Wedge Boxes

Floral Cube Boxes
Floral Cube Boxes

Floral Satin Purses
Floral Satin Purses


Gold Wedge Boxes
Gold Wedge Boxes

Multicolored Take Out Boxes
Colored Take Out Boxes

Take Away Boxes
Takeaway Boxes


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